Sunday, August 12, 2012

Good-bye Beijing, Hello Zhengzhou

Well we left Beijing this morning, and we are now in Zhengzhou. Our CCAI rep George was really helpful, and we really appreciated the time we spent with him. He gave us an insiders perspective of China, which we really enjoyed.

Here are pictures from last night.

I like Zhengzhou so much more than I liked Beijing. It is much less congested, it feels a little more familiar and John is here. We were met by Yisha our CCAI rep at the airport. On the bus ride to our hotel she immediately started talking about our adoption. This is the reason we are here so it feels so good to be talking about John and what is happening tomorrow. We were handed the latest updates on John, given our id badges, and we found out that we are going to meet John around 10am tomorrow. We are so excited and so nervous too. I guess it would be weird if we weren't a little nervous. I was looking around the hotel room this afternoon and seeing if it was child proof. There sure are a lot of liquor bottles around our room - note to self - move them higher ....

We are here with 5 other CCAI families. Rick and I are the only ones adopting for the first time. Everyone else is on child number 2. They are all adopting from the Waiting Child program and three out of the five families are adopting boys. John is the oldest by about a year. All of the families that are in our group have brought their children with them. So we are traveling with 5 children, 4 girls who were adopted from China. I am really enjoying the kids, and I love seeing how beautifully they fit with their families.

This is getting serious - tomorrow at 9:30 we drive over to the the government building to meet our John. Please pray that he will not be terrified, that he will trust us, and that somehow he will understand and feel peace. This is John's last night as an orphan, now that is something to celebrate! Tomorrow we will have a lot of pictures and happy stories to report!


  1. ask to have your fridge emptied so you have room for food, water, juice:) can't wait to see him in your arms!

  2. I am so excited for you guys! Seriously, I dreamt about him last night and he was so sweet...everything will go great! We will pray for you guys!

  3. Thanks for the updates, we are so excited for you and you are in our prayers! Your family here is doing well and happy. Can't wait for pictures! Mom and mary.
