Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thoughts on Two Year Olds

So .... this has been an enormous reality check. And by this I mean two two-year olds. I'm not kidding when I say that having two little two-year olds is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. That is either a beautiful reflection on how easy my life has been so far or it shows that despite everything else in my 41 years - this has been the hardest thing. It could also be a reflection on my age and the reality that little people are easier when you are younger - energy and such. There you go - I said it - this is hard.

Things I miss:

I miss using my right hand. They seriously don't like it when I do anything with my right hand. I remember really liking doing things with my right hand - typing .... cooking ... writing ... signing ... you name it - it used to be fun .... I think, it has been a long time.

Walking. I also like being able to walk freely. It seems like there is usually someone hanging on one or both legs. I used to like mobility.

Quiet - I sort of remember what it was like to have some quiet. Today they fell asleep in the car, and I wasn't sure what was wrong until I realized it was quiet .... ahhhhhhh ..... naps are good!

Additions I don't really appreciate:

Fighting. I really hate it. I like peaceful loving environments - call me crazy. I also firmly believe that our home should be safe from insult and injury. Oh well - so much for old ways. These two are serious fighters. The fighting is bad enough but they fight dirty. It is like they are using prison rules or cage fighting rules. If there was a folding chair close, I'm sure they would use it as a weapon. One will be sitting nicely and the other will sneak up out of the blue and whack and run. It is a pretty smart tactic, but it is driving me crazy.

Someone asked me the other day why I thought this was hard - wow really? I'll show you. Today for a few moments instead of trying to teach love and teach how we don't hit each other, I stood back and took a few pictures so that anyone who wonders what life is like with two year olds will get a little better picture .... enjoy!
Someone is generally upset about something
This is how the conflict usually starts - someone hits -
Then here is a retaliation of sorts

Those are my legs to which they are desperately clinging

Chasing me - although I am usually not running
from them - but for the sake of photography

And in case you were wondering how this 3 minute
interaction ends ....
We are a happy and loving family ...
even though there are many hiccups throughout the day!

Here is a 2 minute video that has a feature from our own
famous John. It is from Eagle's Wings and it shows the
recently adopted kids. So cute.So proud. So grateful!


  1. Hang in there! 2 year olds can be so adorable, and so hard! And you've got 2 of them, wow. More than twice as hard I would say. As you know, this won't last forever!

  2. Loved that YouTube video. John is a cutie.
    Holy crap though I was gut laughing the entire time reading that post though! Seriously hilarious! I think I should come over and leave Amelia for a while. Maybe it will feel easier. You let me know if you want to try it! Ha that would be awful! I love you so much. We (especially me!) miss you guys like crazy. Love you
