Friday, January 10, 2014

Hey, That's My China!

Today we took "the littles" to a Chinese buffet for lunch. We rarely go out to eat, and it is even more rare when we bring Kate & John with us.  As a matter of fact since our trip to China, we have not eaten at a Chinese restaurant. We walked into the restaurant, and John immediately seemed like he recognized it. He exclaimed, "Hey, that's my China!"

He was so happy to be there. I think he is a little confused though because we had a conversation about Sarah, and how we were going back to China to get her. John kept assuring us that we were "at" China.

We talk about China all the time at our house. For a little while John kept saying that China was "mean". Whenever he said that we would remind him that China was wonderful and that China loves John very much. Hopefully that message is resonating with him. I think today may be some proof that our John thinks China is pretty awesome!!!!

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