Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Our American Girl

Today we went to the US consulate. Because of today, once we land in the US and make one stop at immigration, Sarah will be a US citizen. It is the reason we come and stay in Guangzhou, so today was definitely significant in our adoption journey. Significant too in the sense that we are one step closer to coming home and seeing all of our cuties again. We really miss our kids and can hardly wait to be together again.

Today was also the day we took pictures of our kiddos in their traditional Chinese clothing. Sarah looked like a china doll. She is just so darn pretty we can't stand it. 

I have had a lot of time to reflect this experience with our Sarah. It is amazing to see Heavenly Father's hand in our life and the guidance during this adoption. Rick and I were definitely willing to adopt  again to show our obedience to God and do what He asks us to do. However, we were so afraid to add a seventh child and have felt that we have been barely capable of raising the six kids we already had. In certain moments over the course of this past year, I have had moments of serious self doubt, really just unable to see how I would be able to be a good mom to all these beautiful kids. In those moments,Heavenly Father very clearly let me know that adding Sarah to our family was exactly what needed to happen. Sometimes this adoption just felt like a leap of faith - especially when we were guessing how Sarah was going to act. Now that I know Sarah, I can say without any reservation that she is our daughter and is supposed to be in our family. She was the missing piece to our family puzzle, and I am almost certain that she will bring a peaceful feeling and influence into our home. Heavenly Father always knows more than we do, and I'm so grateful that He has trusted us enough to allow this beautiful child of God to join our family. Heavenly Father is loving, and He knows what is best for each of us. I love this little girl so much. My brain can hardly remember when she wasn't with us. We are made for each other.  

"I did not give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift if you." -Unknown Author

Brig eats close to this same breakfast every day
Outside of the US Consulate
These are all the Chinese wanting US visas
Pictures with our group
All the cuties that were adopted this trip
All the cuties and their siblings
Our Chinese Doll in her Silks

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